If you want to change your bank account number, go to the dashlet ‘Mutation Forms’ and choose ‘Bank account number’ in the menu. Please fill in the applicable fields.
You can also attach documents or any other information by clicking on “Drop file here or browse”. If you want to continue submitting your request click on “Next”. If you don’t want to send it in now you can also click on “Save as Draft” and send it in later.
In the next step, you get an overview of the information, in this step you can also add a comment. Write your comment in the field and click on “Add comment”. This will be sent to your manager/ payroll administrator together with the request. If you want to make some changes click on “Back”, otherwise click on “Submit”.
After this, your employer or payroll administration will get a notification to approve this change. When this has been approved you will receive an email.